
Your association as a Summer Student

By accepting our offer of a contract of a Summer Student, you will become, for the duration of the contract, an associated member of the personnel of CERN. As such, you are subject to all relevant legislation of CERN, in particular: 

Please note that you have accepted the application and declared that you are aware of CERN rules and regulations when signing the Release Statement upon your acceptance of your place on the Summer Student Programme.

While these regulations confer certain rights to you, you are also expected to comply with relevant obligations and restrictions. In particular, you are expected to respect the Organization’s working hours and to behave in an appropriate manner when being on CERN site, handling the property of CERN, or exposing in public your link to CERN.
Below you find a non-exhaustive extract of the most relevant rights and obligations resulting from your association with CERN.

Rights and Obligations resulting from your association with CERN

Working hours

Reference working hours at CERN are from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 13.30 to 17.30, from Monday to Friday. Please note that these working hours may vary slightly, depending on the group you are working with.


As a summer student you have no entitlement to annual leave. However, authorization for punctual absences may be granted in exceptional circumstances. In case of need, you should address to your supervisor and the Summer Student Team.