Workshops 2019

Each workshop requires an individual registration. Registrations open usually late June, beginning of July, once all summer students have arrived. The exact date and time will be announced by email. To familiarize yourself with the registration visit our Indico:

Please pay special attention to the workshops requirements, some workshops may require a dosimeter.


How to get a dosimeter

  1. Follow the online training "RP Training for CERN Supervised Radiation Areas" available at
  2. Go to 55/1-001 (open only from 08:30 - 12:00) and ask for a dosimeter specifying that you're a Summer Student and you need it for a workshop
  3. Last but not least: Please do not forget to bring the dosimeter back after the workshop!


How to attend

Please keep in mind that there is only a limited number of places available. The Summer Student Team will send you all the important information by email.


Workshop catalogue


Characterisation of scintillating fibres

  1. Measure the attenuation length of a scintillating fibre
  2. Measure emission spectrum of a scintillating fibre and the wavelength dependence of the attenuation length
  3. Demonstration of Scintillation Light Yield measurement with a SiPM
  4. Visit of scanner for fibre diameter and cladding quality

Contact: Lukas Gruber
Number of places: 9 students - 3 groups of 3 students
Location: 304-1-004


This laboratory session provides an introduction to the technology of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM). We use a measurement setup for the characterization of single SiPM assemblies. Basic properties such as the value of the quenching resistors, the breakdown voltage, the noise rate, the cross talk and the gain are extracted.

Contact: Dominik Dannheim
Number of places: 12 students - 3 groups of 4 students
Tel. +41-22-76-78195
Location: 21-1-067


Characterization of a simple particle detector using cosmic particles

Hands-on experience with classic photomultipliers, oscilloscopes, scintillators, light guides, wavelength shifters and monochromators.
We start by characterizing the 1 photoelectron signal from the photomultiplier. With that knowledge we then measure the light yield of a plastic scintillator hit by a cosmic particle. We modified the setup to experience the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a wavelength shifter between the scintillator and photomultiplier. 
To disentangle the different efficiency involved we measure the quantum efficiency of the photomultiplier as a function of the wavelength. 

Contact: Sune Jakobsen
Number of places: 9 students - 3 groups of 3 students
Location: 3-R-022

Data Acquisition / Trigger

The LHCb data acquisition will be explained on a thorough guided tour. Then we will use a test-setup to demonstrate and (compete to) solve some common problems in networked data acquisition systems as they are used by the LHC experiments. We will have fun with switches, network analyzers and data-flow control.


  • You must wear hard shoes that completely cover your feet: no sandals, no flip-flops, no high-heels.
  • Bring your CERN badge, ID-card (during the workshop you will go to Point8 in France).

Contact: Niko Neufeld, Tommaso Colombo, Sebastien Valat
Number of places: 16 students - 4 groups of 4 students



  1. Discuss the various aspects of a hard-hadronic collision using a FLASH simulation.
  2. Develop cutting edge Monte Carlo techniques necessary for simulating these collisions.
  3. Use MadEvent’s new web-based capabilities to produce event simulations for processes important to LHC physics.

Requirements: Note that you will need to bring your laptop in order to attend this workshop.

Contact: Valentin Jonathan Hirschi, HuaSheng Shao, Olivier Pierre C Mattelaer
Location: Building 593, Room 13