Here are a few notes about the formalities you have to complete before your departure.
Please note: Your last day is always a Friday and you have to complete your departure formalities before you leave.
1. Notification of the end of your appointment
In the week of your departure (on Monday), you will receive an email with a termination letter attached from the Head of the HR Department in which you will be informed officially of your departure date. Moreover, you have to create an EDH termination document (please click on the link that is mentioned in the letter).
2. You have to write and submit a short report of your work project
(Openlab Summer students are requested to send their final project report to their supervisors before leaving CERN)
You are requested to write a short report (max.1-5 pages) about your project. Please note that:
- your report should not contain any confidential information,
- you should give it to your supervisor beforehand to approve it,
- you should upload it to CDS (Cern Document Server) before you leave CERN.
Please click here for details on the work project report.
3. The check-out clearances
In the morning of your departure you have to create an EDH document (the link is indicated in the email that is sent to you 4 days prior your departure), go to the relevant services where you have to return your objects e.g. your access card (you can't keep your access card, so if you want to have a memory of it, please take a picture!), key, dosimeter, books etc. and remind the service to sign your EDH document online.
You can ask get a visitor pass in order to be able to enter again the site over the weekend after your contract has ended.
4. The questionnaires – your feedback on the Summer Student Programme
(Openlab Students will receive a different questionnaire separately)
Your feedback on the Summer Student Programme as well as on the Lecture Programme, is very important for us as it will serve as input to make improvements for the coming year and next summer student generations. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire on the programme and if not already done also the ones on the lectures (can be found on the last agenda of the lecturer:
Would you recommend CERN's Summer Student Programme and CERN as an employer? Then we would be happy if you could rate your experience via Glassdoor and Kununu for German speaking students) and share what you feel makes working at CERN so interesting and exciting.
5. Last Payment and Hostel
Your last payment will be paid based on your personal payment sheet (together with your travel lump sum). The remaining amount that you have not withdrawn could be transferred to your personal bank account through this link.
Please make sure to have fully paid your accommodation at the CERN hostel, if applicable.
6. Internship Attestation
If you would like to get an internship attestation, you have to download it from HRT before you leave. Go to and then click on Employment Attestation (if you have problems downloading it, check your browser's Pop-Up blocker settings).
7. Last but not least: Come and see us
After having visited all the services and replied to our programme questionnaire, please come to our office (please see below) and we will officially sign your EDH document so that you can leave the CERN site.
- Member State Team (Anastasija and Tereza): 5/2-026
- Non Member State Team (Ernest): 42/2-020
- Openlab Team (Kristina) : 513/2-009
About closing of CERN computer accounts
Your CERN computer account and e-mail account will be closed 2 months after the end date of your contract. If you require files related to your work at CERN, then you should discuss this with your supervisor and arrange that the files are copied elsewhere (e.g. to a Internet Service Provider or to a CD or other media).
The CERN Alumni Network – Stay Connected
Your time at CERN as a Summer Student might have come to an end, but you can maintain your links with the Organization by joining the CERN Alumni Network!
The network has been designed to make the global CERN community more inclusive, and has been set up to provide those who have left with a means of keeping in touch with CERN and with each other. It fosters ambassadorship for the mission and values of CERN, and helps colleagues, in particular younger ones, with their future career development, inside or outside the field of particle physics. Signing up is quick and easy via this link:

We hope you have enjoyed your stay and wish you all the best for your future!
Your Summer Student Team: Anastasija and Tereza (Member State), Ernest (Non Member State) and Kristina (CERN Openlab)
For further information, don't hesitate to contact the Summer Student Team